slow girl foods steel-cut oatmeal

Saturday, April 10, 2010

What is steel-cut oatmeal?

So asked my Aunt Francie from St. Louis, when I told her of my exciting new business venture, slow girl foods, which produces a ready-to-eat/grab 'n' go steel cut oatmeal. I realized that although it's a commonly used term when discussing oatmeal (as so often happens at cocktail parties, the opera, etc.) not many people know what it really is. Steel-cut oatmeal is the whole grain oat (minus the inedible hull)--called groats--that are cut into large pieces with steel blades. Unlike rolled oats or especially instant oatmeal, this minimally processed method retains bits of the bran layer and is more nutritious! It is also what allows for the chewy, nutty texture that is preferred by most people. Also, steel-cut oats may have a lower glycemic index than instant oatmeal (42 vs. 66, respectively) which keeps your energy up longer. And for those fighting diabetes, a low glycemic index is imperative. Now, next time you are at a party you can reign supreme when the inevitable question is asked: just what are steel-cut oats?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the clarification! I need to get me some slow girl oatmeal, ASAP.
